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We’re a few weeks away from publishing our annual Trends Reports.


What happens in Vegas… | Blog

Las Vegas is a city that seems to exist in a parallel universe - and even celebrates this with the marketing slogan of “What happens here, stays here.”


2017 Congress Tech & Digital: What's Hot, What's Not | Blog

In an age of increasingly accountable marketing, there’s a continuing focus on making this spend as effective as possible, and we see two trends in the way that organisations are approaching their meeting investments.


Type 2 Diabetes and the Tech-Enabled Shift to Wellness & Prevention | Blog

There’s a bigger problem than diabetes—prediabetes, affecting 34.5% of the US adult population (as compared to 10.5% with diabetes), and there’s a likely and significant opportunity for tech to tackle this, with benefits to people and to society.


Telling Stories | Blog

A post on my Twitter feed tells me that it’s National Storytelling Week in the UK right now, and points me towards an analysis of leading UK companies conducted by content agency Insight Agents.